Intruder Alarm Systems

If you can’t feel safe in your own home or business then where can you?

For many years Intruder Alarms have been installed in homes and businesses to give peace of mind should the worst happen. Nowadays advances in technology such as remote app access and wireless transmission have taken this industry to the next level.

Whether you are looking to upgrade your current system utilising existing cabling or install a fully wireless system in a new build we have the technology for you.

Installing an Intruder alarm and having it serviced manually is a worthwhile investment.

According to both London’s Metropolitan Police and a Which? survey of ex-burglars, you’re less likely to become a victim of burglary if you have a well-fitted and well-maintained burglar alarm system.

The best alarm for your home or business depends on your personal preferences, your budget, your location and what level of protection and response you’re after.

Types of alarm systems

Firstly, you need to decide what you would like to happen when your alarm is triggered:

Bells-only alarms – Make a noise, but don’t contact anyone.

Smart home-security systems – Contact you or family members when the alarm goes off through a smartphone or tablet app.

Monitored security systems – Contact a 24hour Monitoring station who receive details of the activations and then call nominated keyholders etc…

We can service all brands of alarm system.

Wired, Wireless or Hybrid?

The second decision you’ll need to make is whether to opt for a wireless alarm system, traditional wired one or a hybrid that utilises both technologies.

Wireless systems use battery-powered sensors that communicate with a control panel using radio signals.  These alarms tend to look nicer and minimise disruption in your home or business upon install as there is no need to pull up floorboards or repaint walls etc… They also allow the ability to add devices in the future such as shed and summer houses (subject to signal strength.)

Wired systems on the other hand, need wires running to each of the sensors or bells to work. These systems may be cheaper to buy, but they are more expensive to have installed as the wires need to be hidden away, so labour costs are higher.

A Hybrid System has the best of both worlds. If you have an existing wired system that is dated and lacking in modern technology such as notification on your mobile if a device triggers then why not have a Hybrid System installed? This can be fitted in place of your existing wired system and keypad with the option of remote monitoring on your mobile phone or tablet. The best bit is that you can still test and use your existing detectors/door contacts and being a hybrid any additional areas that you would like adding onto the system can be added on with wireless devices.

Servicing and Maintenance

With any standard burglar alarm, regular maintenance should highlight and reduce defects, give you peace of mind, and give you more redress if something goes wrong.

Contact us for you alarm servicing and maintenance. Having your alarm system professionally maintained can help tackle any problems with false alarms. It is also a requirement for some insurance companies.

We are happy to discuss your requirements no matter how big or small.

Why not give us a call or drop us an email to book your no obligation survey.

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